Concept of multi-platform class cBigNumber for implementation of unlimited integer
arithmetic. The class works on
a variety of platforms and compilers as it is implemented on standard C++. It
uses additive, bitwise and shift operations to provide for all regular C++
operations on unlimited integer numbers. Extra functions are also supported:
power, power by module, square root and Miller strong probable prime test. In
order to implement robust computation, the class contains built-in tools for
error correction and compensation, including reserved array element, run-time
check of indexes, initial and tail conditions. These tools are proved to be
effective as they prevent against 70% of errors discovered at the test phase.
Algorithms are optimized for numbers containing from 500 to 20,000 bits, tests
were carried out for more 20,000,000 random numbers containing up to 12,000,000
bits. The class is available for free downloading from page http://www.imach.uran.ru/cbignum.