
Raul Nurovich

Date of birth: 19 July 1964
Institute: Institute of engineering Science, Rus. Ac. of Sci. (UB).
Subdivision: Sector of Information Technologies
Position: Head of sector
Degree: Candidate of the engineering sciences (PhD)
The code: 05.13.12 (Computer-aided design systems)
Official telephone number: 7(343) 375-35-80
Address for correspondence: Institute of engineering Science, Rus. Ac. of Sci. (UB), 91 Pervomayskaya str, Ekaterinburg, 620219, Russia.
Biography : Education: Ural State University 1981-86 (Mathematics). Appointment since 1986: Department of computing systems of the Institute of engineering Science. PhD 1997: "Development of concept and realiziation of CAD systems shell with built-in development tools" (in Russian). Head of sector 1998. Work area: LAN & Internet Services ot the Institute. Research area: Tools for development of modular program systems on the foundation of network technologies. Second language: english.
Overall number of works: 25
Major publications:
Sphere of scientific interests(keywords): Distributed program systems. Rapid application development tools. Programming support tools. Computer-aided design systems. Artificial intelligence.
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