1.1.Vershinin 1.2.Sergei 1.3.Vasilievich 2.1.9 2.2.October 2.3.1950 3.Institute of Engineering Science Ural Branch Russian Academy of Science 4.Department of the mechanics machines and technologies 5.Senior scientific worker 6.Candidate of the physical and mathematical sciences (PhD) equations) 8.Senior scientific worker 9.(3432)51-27-24 10.Institute of Engineering Science Ural Branch Russian Academy of Science, 91 Pervomaiskaya Str, GSP-207, Ekaterinburg, 620219, RUSSIA 11.uvedom@inmach.intec.ru 12.1.USTU-UPI 12.2.Department of the humanistic education 12.3.Faculty of the management 12.4.Assistant professor 13.Education:Ural State University 1967-73; Cand PhD 1993 (Some methods construction of the analytical solutions nonlinear differential equations with particularities and their applications);Assistant Professor 1997;Appointment:Ingineer 1973-74;Jr. Researcher 1974-86 Institute Mathematics and Mechanics Ural Scientific Centre Acad. Sci. USSR,Jr. Researcher 1986-87 faculty Applied Math. Ural St. Univ.;Researcher 1987-93, Sr. Researcher 1993- Institute of Engineering Sciences Ural Branch Russ.Acad.Sci.Language:English;Scientific interests:Nonlinear problems of the mathematics, mechanics and economy 14.1.Dictionary of International Biography (26th Edition) 15.1.54 15.2.List of works (russian) 16.Mathematical simulation, nonlinear differential equations, analytical solutions 17.Fellow of the International Biographical Association (1998 г.,FIBA) 18.Diploma and medal of the International Biographical Centre (1998 г.) 19. Личная WWW-страница