Smirnov A.S. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Constructing a two-level computational model of cross-ply fiberglass-reinforced plastic from micromechanical testing // Polymers and Polymer Composites. 2022. Vol. 30. P. 1–13. [10.1177/09673911221112414].
Illarionov A.G. Vodolazskiy F.V. Barannikova N.A. Kosmatskiy Ya.I. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Khudorozhkova. Influence of phase composition on thermal expansion of Ti-0.4Al, Ti-2.2Al-2.5Zr and Ti-3Al-2.5V alloys // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2021. Vol. 857. 158049. –
Smirnov A.S. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Konovalov A.V. Degradation of the Mechanical Properties of Fiberglass Under Discontinuous High-Temperature Loading // Procedia Structural Integrity. 2021. Vol. 32. P. 321-325. DOI: 10.1016/j.prostr.2021.09.046.
Gorkunov E.S. Zadvorkin S.M. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Korzunin G.S. Effect of the Crystallographic Texture Type on the Anisotropy of the Magnetic Leakage Field Parameters of Steel Sheets // Physical Mesomechanics. 2020. Vol. 23. Iss. 3. P. 246-255.
Makarov A.V. Korobov Yu.S. Soboleva N.N. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Vopneruk A.A. Balu P. Barbosa M.M. Malyigina I.Yu. Burov S.V. Stepchenkov A.K. Wear-resistant nickel-based laser clad coatings for high-temperature applications // Letters on Materials. 2019. Vol. 9. No. 4. P. 470-474.
Vladimirov A.P. Kamantsev I.S. Drukarenko N.A. Gladkovsky S.V. Bukhvalov A.B. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Cheremicina E.R. Gorkunov E.S. Nucleation and Initiation of Cracks under High-Cycle Fatigue in the EP679 Maraging Steel // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2019. Vol. 2176. 030019. –
Korobov Yury Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Holger Hilli Vopneruk Alexander Kotelnikov Aleksandr Burov S.V. Balu Prabu Makarov A.V. Chernov Alexey The Effect of Thickness on the Properties of Laser-Deposited NiBSi-WC Coating on a Cu-Cr-Zr Substrate // Photonics. 2019. Vol. 6. 127. – DOI: 10.3390/photonics6040127.
Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Cheremicina E.R. The Effect of a Dispersed Grain Structure of Hypoeutectoid, Eutectoid and Hypereutectoid Carbon Steels on Their Magnetic Behavior // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2053. 040042.
Lenivtseva O. Tokarev A. Chakin I. Burov S.V. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Surface Hardening of Commercially Pure Titanium by Non-vacuum Electron Beam Cladding of Powder Mixtures // Obrabotka metallov - Metal Working and Material Science. 2018. Vol. 20. Iss. 2. P. 116-129. DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2018-20.2-116-129.
Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. E.V. Derevyankin EBSD Analysis of the Structural State of the Cu-Zn-Mn-Al-Fe-Ni Alloy after Hot Deformation // AIP Conf. Proc. 2017. Vol. 1915. – 030020. Full text>>
Ogorelkov D. A. Kamantsev I.S. Vladimirov A.P. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Numerical and Experimental Approaches to the Evaluation of the Fatigue Life of a Cylindrical Specimen made of the 09G2S Steel // AIP Conf. Proc. – 2017. Vol. 1915. – 040010. Full text>>
Yury Korobov Alexander Vopneruk Alexander Kotelnikov Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Burov S.V. Prabu Balu Structure Analysis of Laser Deposited NiBSi-WC Coatings on a Cu-Cr-Zr Substrate // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2017. Vol. 1909. – 020098. Full text>>
Yury Korobov Alexander Vopneruk Alexander Kotelnikov Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Burov S.V. Prabu Balu Structure Analysis of Laser Deposited NiBSi-WC Coatings on a Cu-Cr-Zr Substrate // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2017. Vol. 1909. – 020098. Full text>>
Ogorelkov D. A. Kamantsev I.S. Kuznetsov A.V. Vladimirov A.P. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Numerical and Experimental Approaches to the Evaluation of the Fatigue Life of a Cylindrical Specimen made of the 09G2S Steel // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2017. 1915. – 040010. 5 p.
M.A. Filippov M.A. Gervasiev S.M. Nikiforova Khudorozhkova Yu.V. G.N. Plotnikov S.Kh. Estemirova V.V. Controlling the Structure of Wear-Resistant Steels 150khnml and Kh12mfl by High-Temperature Quenching and Cold Treatment [Electronic resource] . – DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2017.1.043-054 // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2017. Iss. 1. P. 43-54.
Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Trushina E.B. A.V. Gerasimova Agapitova O.Yu. Antenorova. Reasons for Cracking of Die-Forged Cuzn34mn3al2feni Brass Blanks [Electronic resource] . – DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2017.4.061-080 // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2017. Iss. 4. P. 61-80.
Burov S.V. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Dependence of Mechanical and Magnetic Properties of Hypereutectoid Steel on Excess Cementite Morphology [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 6. подробнее>>
Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Kamantsev I.S. Burov S.V. The Features of Phase Transformations and Structural Changes in Steels with Stable and Metastable Austenite under Fatigue Loading // AIP Conf. Proc. 2016. Vol. 1785. – 040025. –
Burov S.V. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. The influence of cooling rate on the morphology of cementite in hypereutectoid steel // Abstracts of 2014 Sino-Russian Young Scientist Forum and Symposium on Advanced Materials and Processing Technology, Qingdao, China, 3-6 June,. Qingdao, China, 2014. 153 p.
Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Burov S.V. Investigation into the structure and properties of wear-resistant coatings based on chromium metastable austenite // Abstracts of 2014 Sino-Russian Young Scientist Forum and Symposium on Advanced Materials and Processing Technology, Qingdao, China, 3-6 June,. Qingdao, China, 2014. 154 p.
Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Burov S.V. Korobov Yu.S. Devyatyarov M.S. Effect of Nickel on Structure of Cu–Cr–Zr Bronze after Annealing at 800 and 900 °С // Modern materials and technologies. 2013. №1. P. 117-120.
Filippov M.A. Gervas’ev M.A. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Legchilo V.V. Influence of the quenching temperature on the phase composition, structure and wear resistance of 150XHM steel // Steel in Transaction. 2013. Vol. 43. Issue 11. P. 720-723.
Gervas'ev M.A. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Filippov M.A. EFFECT OF HARDENING TEMPERATURE ON THE PHASE COMPOSITION AND WEAR RESISTANCE OF ROLL STEELS WITH 5% CR // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. 2011. Т. 52. № 9-10. P. 468-472.
Burov S.V. Bataev A.A. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Tyurin A.G. Burov V.G. Tolochko B.P. Sharafutdinov M.R. In situ structural analysis of metals surface during friction using diffractometry of synchrotron radiation // Proceedings of third intern. forum on strategic technologies, Novosibirsk-Tomsk, June 23-29. 2008. P. 27-31.
Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Burov S.V. Choice of austenitization regimes for roll steel with 5 % of Chromium // Proceedings of third intern. forum on strategic technologies, Novosibirsk-Tomsk, June 23-29. 2008. P. 41-44.
Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Filippov M.A. Gervasyev M.A. Choice of austenitisation regimes for roll steel with vanadium // Proceedings of the International Conference on Microalloyed Steels Emerging Technologies And Applications, 9 – 11 March 2007, Kolkata, India 2007, Vitasta Publishing Pvt Ltd,. 2007. 306 p.
Gervas'ev M.A. Filippov M.A. Petrov B.D. Paleev V.S. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. PHASE TRANSFORMATIONS IN TEMPERING OF ROLL STEELS // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. 2005. Т. 47. № 1-2. P. 9-11.