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  1. Volkov S.S. Struzhanov V.V. Modeling of a Complete Deformation Diagram for Materials with Properties of Auxetics [Electronic resource] . – DOI: 10.17804/2410-9908.2017.2.040-052 // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2017. Iss. 2. P. 40-52.

  2. S.V. Anakhov Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Yu.A. Pykin A.V. Matushkin Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Qualitative Study of Steel Cutting with the Use of the Narrow Jet Plasma Technology // Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2017. Vol. 8. – No. 3. P. 400-405.

  3. Koroleva (Chekhomova) L.F. Dobrinskaya M.N. Kamantsev I.S. Doped calcium carbonate-phosphate used for bone tissue technology // Integrative Clinical Medicine. – DOI: 10.15761/ICM.1000108. 2017. Vol. 1(2). P. 1-7.

  4. Yu.N. Loginov Babaylov N.A. D.N. Pervukhina The Action Result of the Concentrated Load on the Briquettes which Obtained from the Technogenous Material . – DOI 10.18502/kms.v2i2.953 // International Conference with Elements of School for Young Scientists on Recycling and Utilization of Technogenic Formations, KnE Materials Science. 2017. P. 97-101.

  5. Smirnov S.V. Vichuzhanin D.I. Nesterenko A.V. Smirnov A.S. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Konovalov A.V. A fracture locus for a 50 volume-percent Al/SiC metal matrix composite at high temperature // International Journal of Material Forming. 2017. Vol. 10. – Iss. 5. P. 831–843.
    Full text>>

  6. Mushnikov A.N. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Mathematical Model of Magnetic Hysteresis under Triaxial Stress State // International Scientific Conference Proceedings “MATHMODEL”. 2017. Year 1. – Iss. 1. P. 55-58.

  7. Burmasheva N.V. Prosviryakov E.Yu. Exact solutions for layered large-scale convection induced by tangential stresses specified on the free boundary of a fluid layer – doi:10.1088/1757-899X/208/1/012010. // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2017. Vol. 208. – 012010.
    Full text>>

  8. Prosviryakov E.Yu. Spevak L.F. Exact Solutions for Stationary and Unsteady Layered Convection of a Viscous Incompressible Fluid with the Specified Velocities at the Bottom . – doi:10.1088/1757-899X/208/1/012035. // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2017. Vol. 208. – 012035.
    Full text>>

  9. Smirnov S.V. Konovalov A.V. Myasnikova M.V. Khalevitskiy Yu.V. Smirnov A.S. Hierarchical modeling of deformation and damage of metal matrix composite under uniaxial loading conditions . – doi:10.1088/1757-899X/208/1/012037 // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2017. Vol. 208. – 012037.
    Full text>>

  10. Makarov A.V. Soboleva N.N. Malyigina I.Yu. Role of the Strengthening Phases in Abrasive Wear Resistance of Laser-Clad NiCrBSi Coatings // Journal of Friction and Wear. 2017. Vol. 38. – No. 4. P. 272-278.

  11. Emelyanov I.G. Mironov V.I. Kuznetsov A.V. Determination of Safe Operating Conditions for Supporting Structures under Abnormal Loads // Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2017. Vol. 46. – No. 2. P. 142-148.

  12. Mironov V.I. Ivanovich and Lukashuk Olga Anatolievna. Influence of Material Structural Inhomogeneity on Fracture Strength of Constructional Elements // Key Engineering Materials. 2017. Vol. 735. P. 89-94.

  13. Mironov V.I. Lukashuk O. Ogorelkov D. Fracture Strength for Metal Structure of a Crane . – DOI; 10.1051/matecconf/201712906008 // Matec Web of Conferences. 2017. Vol. 129. – 06008.

  14. Mironov V.I. Lukashuk O. Ogrelkov D. Method of Increasing Durability of Thin-Walled Structural Elements . – DOI; 10.1051/matecconf/201712901024 // Matec Web of Conferences. 2017. Vol. 129– 01034.

  15. Taratorkin I.A. Derzhanskiy V.B. Taratorkin A.I. Improving the Quality of Transient Response During Automatic Control of the Turn of a Tracked Vehicle Based on the Implementation of Structured Input Shapers ). – DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/2017129, 06029 ICMTMTE 2017 // Matec Web of Conferences. 2017.

  16. S.D. Neulybin Yu.D. Shchitsyn V.S. Verkhorubov Yu.S. Korobov M.A. Filippov Savrai R.A. Soboleva N.N. Metallurgical Processes During Plasma Remelting of a Metallized Coating of the Fe-C-Cr-Ti-Al System // Metallurgist. 2017. Vol. 60. – Nos. 11–12. P. 1202-1206.

  17. Makarov A.V. N.V. Gavrilov G.V. Samoylova A.S. Mamaev Osinceva A.L. Savrai R.A. Effect of a Continuous and Gas-Cyclic Plasma Nitriding on the Quality of Nanostructured Austenitic Stainless Steel // Obrabotka Metallov – Metal Working and Material Science. 2017. Вып. 2. P. 55-66.

  18. E.V. Shalaeva N.I. Medvedeva A.E. Precul Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Smirnov S.V. N.I. Shchegolikhina I.O. Selyanin Ordering Effect on the Mechanical, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of the –Based Non-Canonical Approximant Phase: -Al50Cu33Fe17’-Al50Cu44Fe6 and -Al47.5Cu49.5Fe3 // Philosophical Magazine. 2017. Vol. 97. – No. 13. P. 1024-1046.

  19. Gorkunov E.S. Zadvorkin S.M. Goruleva L.S. Makarov A.V. N.L. Pecherkina Structure and Mechanical Properties of a High-Carbon Steel Subjected to Severe Deformation // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2017. Vol. 118. – No. 10. P. 1006-1014.

  20. Makarov A.V. Luchko S.N. Shabashov V.A. Volkova E.G. Zamatovskii A.E. Osinceva A.L. Litvinov A.V. Sagaradze V.V. Structural and phase transformations and micromechanical properties of the high-nitrogen austenitic steel deformed by shear under pressure // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2017. Vol. 118. – No. 1. P. 52-64.

  21. Makarov A.V. Skorynina P.A. A.S. Yurovskikh Osinceva A.L. Effect of the Conditions of the Nanostructuring Frictional Treatment Process on the Structural and Phase States and the Strengthening of Metastable Austenite Steel // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2017. Vol. 118. – No. 12. P. 1225-1235.

  22. Berezin I.M. A.A. Petunin Kruchkov D.I. G.L. Kovacs Finite-Element Simulation of the Cold Stamping Process of Spherical Vessels // Pollack Periоdica. An International Journal for Engineering and Information Sciences.. 2017. Vol. 12. – No. 1. P. 81-92.

  23. Blagonravov A.A. A.A. Yurkevich Yurkevich A.V. Automatic control of a stepless mechanical transmission with an internal force function // Russian Engineering Research. 2017. Vol. 37. – No. 3. P. 185-188.

  24. Mikhailova Y.A. Vladimirov A.P. Bakharev A.A. Sergeev A.G. Novosyolova I.A. Yakin D.I. Studying of cell culture reaction to temperature change by dynamic speckle interferometry // Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2017. Vol. 21. – No. 1. P. 64-73.

  25. Emelyanov I.G. Mironov V.I. Kuznetsov A.V. Vehicle Survivability Calculation // Russian Journal of Construction Science and Technology. 2017. Vol. 3. – No. 1. P. 40-44.

  26. Berezin I.M. Nesterenko A.V. Zalazinskiy A.G. Identification of the Modified Drucker-Prager Yield Condition and Modeling of Compaction of the Plasticized Titanium Feedstock // Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals. 2017. Vol. 58. – No. 2. P. 297-302.

  27. Gorkunov E.S. Povolotskaya A.M. Zadvorkin S.M. Putilova E. A. Comparative Analysis of the Magnetic Characteristics of Plastically Deformed Metal in Different Zones of a Welded Pipe under Elastic Deformation // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017. Vol. 53. – No. 9. P. 636-643.

  28. Gorkunov E.S. Zadorin A.Yu. Goruleva L.S. Relationship between the Structure and Physical-Mechanical Properties of U8A Steel Subjected to Cold Plastic Deformation by Hydrostatic Extrusion // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017. Vol. 53. – No. 10. P. 700-706.

  29. L.A. Elshina R.V. Muradymov A.G. Kvashnichev Vichuzhanin D.I. N.G. Molchanova A.A. Pankratov Synthesis of New Metal-Matrix Al-Al2O3-Graphene Composite Materials // Russian Metallurgy (Metally). 2017. No. 8. P. 631-641.

  30. Yu.N. Saraev V.P. Bezborodov Gladkovsky S.V. N.I. Golikov Properties of the Welded Joints of Manganese Steel Made by Low-Frequency Pulsed Arc Welding // Russian Metallurgy (Metally). 2017. No. 4. P. 287-292.

  31. Butorin D.E. Burov V.G. Burov S.V. Tolochko B.I. Bataev I.A. Analysis of Structural Transformations Occuring in Surface Layers of D16 Alloy Samples During Sliding Friction // Russian Physics Journal. 2017. V. 60. – Is. 5. P. 817-820.

  32. D.E. Butorin V.G. Burov Burov S.V. B.P. Tolochko I.A. Bataev. Analysis of Structural Transformations Occuring in Surface Layers of D16 Alloy Samples During Sliding Friction // Russian Physics Journal. 2017. Vol. 60. – Iss. 5. P. 817-820.

  33. Mironov V.I. O. Lukashuk Vichuzhanin D.I. Method for Describing Fatigue Processes in Structural Materials // Solid State Phenomena. 2017. Vol. 265. P. 815-820.

  34. Taratorkin I.A. Derzhanskiy V.B. Taratorkin A.I. Volkov A.A. Forecasting Resonant Parametric Vibrations of Transmission Friction Discs on the Basis of the Exact Determination of Their Modal Characteristics // Trans & Motauto. 2017. Year I. – Vol. 1. P. 7-10.

  35. Taratorkin I.A. Derzhanskiy V.B. Taratorkin A.I. Volkov A.A. Reducing the Dynamic Load of Mechanical Water-Jet Drive of Amphibious Machines // Trans & Motauto. 2017. Year I. – Vol. 1. P. 4-6.

  36. Burmasheva N.V. Prosviryakov E.Yu. A large-scale layered stationary convection of an incompressible viscous fluid under the action of shear stresses at the upper boundary. Velocity field investigation // Vestnik Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta. Seriya: Fiziko-matematicheskie nauki. 2017. Vol. 21. – No. 1. P. 180-196.

  37. Struzhanov V.V. On the method of orthogonal projections in the theory of elasticity // Vestnik Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta. Seriya: Fiziko-matematicheskie nauki. 2017. Vol. 21. – No. 2. P. 308-325.

  38. Y.N. Saraev V.P. Bezborodov Gladkovsky S.V. N.I. Golikov Improving the reliability of metallic structures in service in the conditions with low climatic temperatures by efficient application of advanced methods of modification of the zone of the welded joint // Welding International. 2017. Vol. 31. – No. 8. P. 631-636.

  39. S.V. Anakhov Gladkovsky S.V. S.V. Lepikhin Dvoynikov D.A. Y.A. Pykin A.V. Matushkin. Mechanical and technological properties of welded joints produced after plasma cutting // Welding International. 2017. Vol. 31. – No. 6. P. 445-451.

  40. Smirnov S.V. Myasnikova M.V. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Hierarchical of plastic deformation and fracture of complexly aiioyed brass // International Journal of Damage Mechanics. 2016. vol. 25, № 2. P. 251 – 265.

  41. Gorkunov E.S. Nosov P.A. Povolotskaya A.M. Zadvorkin S.M. Dimitrov R. Magnetic Flux Distribution in a Locally Magnetized Ferromagnetic Object. 2016. Vol. 52. – No. 12. P. 727-738.

  42. Shubina A.N. Beketov N.B. Оbabkov and N.A. Babailov Compaction Parameters for Briquetting of Molybdenum Powder (Web of Sciences, в печати). 2016.

  43. Smirnov S.V. Zamaraev L.M. Energy of Activation of the Vt5 and Vt1-0 Titanium Alloys under Short-Term Creep in Air and Argon [Electronic resource]. 2016. Iss. 6.

  44. Vladimirov A.P. Dynamic Speckle Interferometry of High-Cycle Material Fatigue: Theory and Some Experiments // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2016. Vol. 1740. – 040004. – DOI: 10 1063/1 4962663.

  45. Kazakov A.L. Spevak L.F. An analytical and numerical study of a nonlinear parabolic equation with degeneration for the cases of circular and spherical symmetry // Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2016. Vol. 40. Issue 2. P. 1333-1343.

  46. Bychkov I.V. Kazakov A.L. Lempert A.A. Bukharov D.S. Stolbov A.B. An Intelligent Manage-ment System for the Development of a Regional Transport Logistics Infrastructure // Automation and Remote Control. 2016. Vol. 77. – No. 2. P. 332-343.

  47. Koroleva (Chekhomova) L.F. Oscillating reactions in the synthesis of doped nanocrystalline calcium carbonate phosphates of transdermal ability // Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry. 2016. Vol. 6, Issue 6. P. 1879-1882.

  48. Burov S.V. Khudorozhkova Yu.V. Dependence of Mechanical and Magnetic Properties of Hypereutectoid Steel on Excess Cementite Morphology [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 6.

  49. Gorkunov E.S. Prosviryakov E.Yu. Complex Stationary Convection with Third-Kind Boundary Conditions at the Boundaries of a Fluid Layer [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 2. P. 34-47.

  50. Koroleva (Chekhomova) L.F. Modified Nanoparticle Oxides for Final Polishing of Metals [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 2. P. 48-73.

  51. Makarov A.V. Yakovleva S.P. Volkova E.G. Makharova S.N. Mordovskoy P.G. Special Features of the Formation of the Microstructure of the 09G2S Steel under Conditions of Cold and Warm Equal-Channel Angular Pressing [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 6. P. 39-47.

  52. Makarov A.V. Davydova (Pozdejeva) N.A. Malyigina I.Yu. Lyzhin  V.V. Korshunov L.G. Improving the Thermal Stability and Heat Wear Resistance of Carburized Chromium-Nickel Steel by Nanostructuring Frictional Treatment [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 5. P. 49-66.

  53. Mushnikov A.N. Mitropolskaya S.Yu. Effect of Mechanical Stresses on the Magnetic Characteristics of Pipeline Steels of Different Classes [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 4. P. 57-70.

  54. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Zamaraev L.M. Igumnov А.S. Modeling the Thermo-Stressed State in the Nodes of the Honeycomb Structure with a Non-Uniform Distribution of Physical-Mechanical Properties [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 4.. P. 71-88.

  55. Smirnov S.V. Myasnikova M.V. Igumnov A.S. Determination of the Local Shear Strength of a Layered Metal Composite Material with a Ductile Interlayer after Thermocycling [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 4. P. 46-56.

  56. Smirnov S.V. Perunov E.N. Konovalov D.A. Vyskrebentsev S.V. Using a Spatial Location Device for Express Diagnostics of Current Mechanical Properties of Metal Structures [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 4. P. 89-94.

  57. Spevak L.F. Nefedova O.A. Parallelizing the Solution of the Nonlinear Heat Conduction Problem with the Application of the OpenCL Library [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 6.

  58. Struzhanov V.V. Volkov S.S. Volkova T.A. Devolopment of Microstructure Damage in Structurally Heterogeneous Materials under Deformation [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 3. P. 21-30.

  59. Vandyshev A.B. Analyzing the Parameters of Membrane Catalytic Systems for Extraction of Highly Pure Hydrogen from Hydrocarbon Feedstock with the Application of Mathematical Modeling [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 4. P. 6-45.

  60. Veretennikova (Golubkova) I.A. Vichuzhanin D.I. Michurov N.S. Smirnov S.V. Mechanical Properties and Fracture Behavior of the "copper M1 – Steel 09g2s" Bimetal Produced by Explosion Welding [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 6. P. 28-38.

  61. Zalazinskiy A.G. Kruchkov D.I. Nesterenko A.V. Titov V.G. Optimizing the Composition of a Composite to Be Pressed from a Noncompact Titanium-Based Raw Material [Electronic resource] // Diagnostics, Resource and Mechanics of materials and structures. 2016. Iss. 5. P. 39-48.

  62. Safarov I.M. Korznikov A.V. Galeyev R.M. Sergeev  S.N. Gladkovsky S.V. Pyshmintsev  I.Yu. An Anomaly of the Temperature Dependence of the Impact Strength of Low-Carbon Steel with an Ultrafine-Grain Structure // Doklady Physics. 2016. Vol. 61. – No. 1. P. 15-18.

  63. Aristov S.N. Prosviryakov E.Yu. Nonuniform Convective Couette Flow // Fluid Dynamics. 2016. Vol. 51. – No. 5. P. 581-587.

  64. Aristov S.N. Prosviryakov E.Yu. Unsteady Layered Vortical Fluid Flows // Fluid Dynamics. 2016. Vol. 51. – No. 2. P. 148-154.

  65. Smirnov S.V. Myasnikova M.V. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Hierarchical Simulation of Plastic Deformation and Fracture of Complexly Alloyed Brass // International Journal of Damage Mechanics. 2016. Vol. 25(2). P. 251-265.

  66. Smirnov A.S. Konovalov A.V. Belozerov G. A. Shveikin V.P. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Peculiarities of the rheological behavior and structure formation of aluminum under deformation at near-solidus temperatures // International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials // International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials. 2016. Vol.23. – Iss. 5. P. 563-571.

  67. Yolshina L.A. Muradymov R.V. Korsun I.V. Yakovlev G.A. Smirnov S.V. Novel Aluminum-Graphene and Aluminum-Graphite Metallic Composite Materials: Synthesis and Properties // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2016. No. 663. P. 449-459.

  68. Vladimirov A.P. Novoselova I.A. Mikhailova Y.A. Bakharev A.A. Yakin D. I. The use of laser dynamical speckle interferometry in the study of cellular processes // Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Eng. 2016. Is. 2(1). P. 010302-1-010302-6. DOI: 10.18287/JBPE16.02.010302.

  69. Smirnov S.V. Konovalov D.A. Parshin S.V. Vyskrebentsev S.V. Degtyar’ V.G. Kalashnikov S.T. Taking into account the residual stresses during transverse calculation of the load frame to extend the service life above the warranty period // Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability. 2016. Vol. 45. – Is. 3. P. 233-238.

  70. Savrai R.A. Makarov A.V. Soboleva N.N. Malyigina I.Yu. Osinceva A.L. The Behavior of Gas Powder Laser Clad NiCrBSi Coatings under Contact Loading // Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2016. Vol. 23. – Is. 3. P. 1068-1075.

  71. Smirnov A.S. Belozerov G. A. Smirnova (Yekzemplyarova) E.O. Konovalov A.V. Muizemnek O.Yu. Specimen Preparation for Metal Matrix Composites with a High Volume Fraction of Reinforcing Particles for EBSD Analysis // Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2016. Vol. 25(7). P. 2907-2913.

  72. Safarov I.M. Korznikov A.V. Galeyev R.M. Sergeev S.N. Gladkovsky S.V. Dvoynikov D.A. Litovchenko I.Y. The ultrafine-grained structure, texture and mechanical properties of low carbon steel obtained by various methods of plastic deformation // Letters on Materials. 2016. Vol. 6. – Is. 2. P. 126-131.

  73. Babaylov N.A. Polyansky L.I. Loginov Yu.N. Briquetting Metallurgical Lime Screenings and Parameters Making it Possible to Improve Process Efficiency // Metallurgist. 2016. Vol. 60. – Iss. 5-6. P. 576-580.

  74. Konovalov A.V. Smirnov A.S. Parshin V.S. Dronov A.I. Karamyshev A.P. Nekrasov I.I. Fedulov A.A. Serebryakov A.V. Study of the Resistance of Steels 18KhMFB and 18Kh3MFB to Hot Deformation // Metallurgist. 2016. Vol. 60. – Iss. 1-2. P. 234-237.

  75. Aristov S.N. Privalova V.V. Prosviryakov E.Yu. Stationary nonisothermal Couette flow. Quadratic heating of the upper boundary of the fluid layer // Nelineinaya Dinamika. 2016. Vol. 12. –Is. 2. P. 167-178.

  76. Vladimirov A.P. Speckle metrology of dynamic macro- and microprocesses in deformable media // Optical Engineering. 2016. Vol. 55. – No. 12. – 121727. P. 1-10.

  77. Ananyev M.V. Tropin E.S. Eremin V.A. Farlenkov A.S. Smirnov A.S. A.A. Kolchugin Porotnikova N.M. Khodimchuk A.V. Berenov A.V. Kurumchin E.K. Oxygen isotope exchange in La2NiO4±d // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2016. T. 18. – No. 13. P. 9102-9111.

  78. Kazantseva N.V. Demakov S.L. Yurovskikh A.S. Stepanova N.N. Vinogradova N.I. Davydov D.I. Lepikhin S.V. Phase diagram of the Co–Al–W system. structure and phase transformations near the Co3(Al, W) intermetallic composition range // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016. Vol. 117. – No. 7. P. 701-709.

  79. Gorkunov E.S. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Zadvorkin S.M. Makarov A.V. Pecherkina N.L. Kalinin G.Yu. Mushnikova S.Yu. Fomina O.V. Investigation of the Structure and Properties of the Material of Various Zones of the Welded Joint of the Austenitic Nitrogen-Containing Steel upon Elastoplastic Deformation // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016. Vol. 117. – No. 11. P. 1153-1163.

  80. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Michurov N.S. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Structure and Properties of the Al/SiC Composite Material // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016. Vol. 117. – No. 6. P. 634-640.

  81. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Michurov N.S. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Bykova (Gurchenko) T.M. Structure and Thermophysical Properties of Aluminum-Matrix Composites // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016. Vol. 117. – No. 11. P. 1145-1152.

  82. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Myasnikova M.V. Michurov N.S. Simulation of the Elastic Deformation of Laser-Welded Joints of an Austenitic Corrosion-Resistant Steel and a Titanium Alloy with an Intermediate Copper Insert // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016. Vol. 117. – No. 2. P. 216-224.

  83. Pugacheva (Vandysheva) N.B. Vichuzhanin D.I. Kalashnikov S.T. Ivanov A.V. Smirnov S.V. Frolova N.Yu. Studying Recovery Processes in a Strain-Hardened Al-Mg-Mn-Fe-Si Alloy // Physics of Metals and Metallography. 2016. Vol. 117. – No. 9. P. 920-926.

  84. Smirnov S.V. Konovalov A.V. Myasnikova M.V. Khalevitskiy Yu.V. Smirnov A.S. A numerical Study of Sress-Strain Evolution in Structurally Inhomogeneous Materials Subjected to Uniaxial Loading // PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2016. No. 3. P. 175-187.

  85. Taratorkin A.I. Derzhanskiy V.B. Taratorkin I.A. Experimental Determination of Kinematic and Power Parameters at the Tracked Vehicle Turning // Procedia Engineering. 2016. Vol. 136. P. 1368-1377.

  86. Bataev A.A. Burov S.V. Bataev I.A. Burov V.G. Stability Analysis of the Copper Surface Layer Structure in the Process of Sliding Friction by the Method of Diffraction Analysis Using Synchrotron Radiation // Russian Physics Journal. 2016. Vol. 59. – Iss. 2. P. 314-316.

  87. Mironov V.I. Lukashuk O.A. Calculation of Metalwork Life with Allowance for Cyclic Degradation of Material in Operation // Solid State Phenomena. 2016. Vol. 870. P. 725-729.

  88. Vladimirov A.P. Kamantsev I.S. Veselova V.E. Gorkunov E.S. Gladkovsky S.V. Use of Dynamic Speckle Interferometry for Contactless Diagnostics of Fatigue Crack Initiation and Determining Its Growth Rate // Technical Physics. 2016. Vol. 61. – No. 4. P. 563–568.

  89. Aristov S.N. Prosviryakov E.Yu. A New Class of Exact Solutions for Three-Dimensional Thermal Diffusion Equations // Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering. 2016. Vol. 50. – No. 3. P. 286-293.

  90. Aristov S.N. Prosviryakov E.Yu. Spevak L.F. Unsteady-State Benard-Marangoni Convection in Layered Viscous Incompressible Flows // Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering. 2016. Vol. 50. – No. 2. P. 132-141.

  91. Saraev Yu.N. Gladkovsky S.V. Veselova V.E. Golikov N.I. Improving the Service Properties of Metal Structures Working in the Conditions of Low Climatic Temperatures by Methods of Adaptive Pulsed-Arc Welding // Welding International. 2016. Vol. 30. – No. 11. P. 884-890.

  92. Vlasova S.S. Prosviryakov E.Yu. Two-dimensional convection of an incompressible viscous fluid with the heat exchange on the free border // Вестник Самарского государственного технического университета. Серия “Физико-математические науки”. 2016. Т. 20. – № 3. P. 35-47.

  93. Gorkunov E.S. Zadvorkin S.M. Senaeva (Pugacheva) E.I. Bakunova A.A. Quality Control of Heat Treatment of Oil and Gas Pipes Using Magnetic Structuroscopy // Inorganic Materials. 2016. Vol. 52. – No. 15. P. 1509-1514.

  94. Mal'tseva L.A. Levina A.V. Loginov Yu.N. Gladkovsky S.V. Changes in the Structure and Properties Under Deformation of Austenitic-Ferritic Steel at Room and Negative Temperatures // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. 2016. Vol. 57. – Iss. 11-12. P. 645-651.

  95. Gladkovsky S.V. Ishina E.A. Kuteneva S.V. Raising the Structural Strength of Systematically Alloyed Fe - Cr - Ni - Mo-Base Maraging Steels // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. 2016. Vol. 57. – Iss. 11-12. P. 663-668.

  96. Gorkunov E.S. Gladkovsky S.V. Brittle Fracture Resistance of Chinga Ataxite at Different Mechanical Loading Conditions // Meteoritics & Planetary Science. 2016. Vol. 51. – Special Issue (SI). – A297.

  97. Berezin I.M. Polyakov A.P. Mathematical Modeling of Drawing Rods Made of Titanium Sponge Allowing for Pore Formation // Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals. 2016. Vol. 57. – No. 6. P. 555-564.

  98. Makarov A.V. Gorkunov E.S. Skorynina P.A. Kogan L.Kh. Yurovskikh A.S. Osinceva A.L. Eddy-Current Control of the Phase Composition and Hardness of Metastable Austenitic Steel after Different Modes of Nanostructuring Attrition Treatment // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2016. V. 52. – No. 11. P. 627-637.

  99. Shubina A.N. Beketov A.R. Оbabkov N.V. Iskhakov R.F. THE PRESSING PARAMETERS DEPENDENCE FOR THE COMPACTION OF REFRACTORY METALS POWDERS // Сборник материалов X международной конференции «Механика, ресурс и диагностика материалов и конструкций» (Екатеринбург, 16–20 мая 2016 г.). Екатеринбург: ИМАШ УрО РАН. 2016. 51 p.

  100. Konovalov A.V. Smirnov A.S. Belozerov G. A. Muizemnek O.Yu. Simulation of the Rheological Behavior of the 01570C Alloy under High-Temperature Deformation // AIP Conf. Proc. 2016. 1785, 040028.
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